Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Susie Mix-a-lot! Isn't she a beauty!

We're going to feed the world chocolate chips cookies and peanut butter doggie treats!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

They're all here!

A few weeks ago, I started some herb seeds in pots in preparation for our vegetable garden. Nothing excites me more than big bushes of basil or giant patches of parsley that I can go snip and cook with for dinner that night. (Nerdy, I know.) It's so natural and organic, just warms my soul. Don't even get me started on home grown 'maters.

Well, I haven't grown anything for a while (ok, ever) and I wasn't sure the little guys were ever going pop their little heads out. Well, they did and I am honored to welcome them into the Briscoe household.

Check it out:

This is parsley, he took FOREVER. A full week after the others had all made an appearance.

And this is chives, he's definitely the tallest. (Is it wrong that I ALWAYS type out definAtely instead of definItely then have to fix it? )

This is the whole gang. After writing this post, I think I got a little attached. I hope I'm going to able to eat 'em up someday.

We're currently building the fence for our vegetable patch so my little girls don't get muddy or eat anything they're not supposed to.

A leave you with a quote from my handsome husband:

"Do what you like and like what you do."

Think about it. Once you "get it," it's genius. Like the baby toy where you put the circle shape in the circle hole and the star shape in the star hole. Be a circle in a circle, because a star in a circle just isn't happy because they're not doing what they're meant for.

John Eldredge puts it so well when he says; "Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

We all have 'things to do,' like work and school or laundry. Just be sure we MAKE time for the things that God created our souls to stir for. He loves us and knit us together for His purpose. When we are where we are supposed to be, where He wants us to be, we can be UNBELIEVABLY happy and fulfilled. We can be content and joyful regardless of our circumstances.

He created us with different passions. Let's use them for His glory.

Over and out.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I know, I know....


Ok, I took a little blog break (six weeks to be exact.) But I'm back. :)

Things that are currently on the "to write-about" agenda:

  • Store bought "cream cheese frosting"? (Tune in, it'll blow your mind (or gross you out, it's whatev)
  • We are starting our very own vegetable garden, I'll keep you posted!
  • Meringues, I made 'em myself!

I would also like to direct everyone to the blog of my fabulous husband:

There's a riveting piece on recycling.

On the news front: I started some herb seeds in pots and I am ecstatic to report that we have no casualties. Thyme, basil, parsley, cilantro and chives have all sprouted. The parsley just now came up (a full week after all the others) so I was a little worried. After they get to a healthy size, we're going to put them in our garden so they can grow up big and strong!